
Real democracy is not possible inside the European Union.

Demokratie ist in der EU nicht möglich.
Die Demokratie wurde in Europa abgebaut und wird noch weiter schwinden. Demokratie ist nur möglich in unabhängigen Staaten. Demokratie sollte bedeuten, dass die wesentlichen politischen Entscheidungen von der Mehrheit des Volkes getragen werden. In der EU kümmern sich die Top-Politiker nicht um die Volksmeinung. Das beste Beispiel dafür ist die EU-Verfassung, worüber es in den meisten EU-Staaten keine Volksabstimmung gibt. So auch in Finland.
Antti Pesonen, Leiter der Unabhängigkeits-Partei in Finland:

"Democracy is possible only in independent nation states. Independence, democracy and a just welfare society belong together. It is possible to achieve all of them, if only citizens get their voices heard," writes Antti Pesonen, Chairperson of the Independence Party in Finland.

Democracy should mean that big issues in the society are decided as the majority of the citizens want them to be decided. In the European Union it is more and more clear that the top politicians do not take account of the opinions of the citizens at all. The best example of this is that top politicians do not want to give voters the possibility to decide the future of the EU constitution in a referendum, even if at the beginning of the EU constitution it is written that it gives expression to the will of the citizens.

The leaders of Finland will not give the citizens the possibility to decide over the future of the EU constitution. Instead, they will accept it to be above the Finnish laws. According to a recent public opinion poll only about 17 percent of the Finns support this kind of decision.

No democracy possible inside EU

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